Healing Limbo

Even more lonely than a disability itself is the world of believing you are recovering while doctors don’t acknowledge it. It’s a category that doesn’t exist for someone with conditions such as chronic illnesses or “permanent” injuries. Sickness or diseases that are a miracle in progress need to be cheered on as such. Leaving the infirmity behind in your dust is a victory even if you haven’t crossed the finish line.

Long-term injuries are different than sickness. I’m not sick but actually very healthy, so I don’t fit in with diseases. I also do not feel like I belong in support groups of the spinal cord injured either because I’m not in the “living with your condition” category. I’m leaving that world behind, so where do I fit in? It is a fishbowl of sorts, a place ignored. I call it healing limbo. It’s a place in-between defeat and victory. I am one of those, a miracle in progress where celebration is held back; but we need to be cheered on as runners in a race, like Forest Gump.

You see, I no longer consider myself to be in the “permanently injured” or handicapped arena. I’m already healed (by faith);  I’m walking  and free inside a body that isn’t fully cooperating. My status in life is fixed spiritually as righteous and healed; I won my race already. My status physically is ever-changing, improving. Is there a support group for those contending for the finished work of the Cross?  This is why I blog, to find support from others who are in healing limbo and to cheer them on. We must be heard!

My friend Wendy and I have created our own support group of two. We meet several times a week to support each other’s miracle in progress. She is living out a miracle that confounds the doctors. They still have blood tests saying cancer rages in her body yet she exhibits a healthy  glow and is active in every way. By complete faith in God’s word and constantly speaking life over herself she continues to live and defy the test results. Also, my mother is not walking but moves all the limbs she couldn’t before. She is declared to be a miracle officially by her doctor yet still we believe for the full healing. There’s more healing to come and God doesn’t want us to settle for less than the finished work for which He paid in full.  We must celebrate this place in-between. I am the healthiest, most active quadriplegic I know. The average person paralyzed even 1 year looks more sickly than I do after 30 years. Muscles atrophy after a month of paralysis and legs and arms get boney yet my legs look better than some who can walk. Something is going on yet acknowledgment is absent. Nobody wants to interview a miracle in progress. “Let us know when you’ve crossed the finish line” they seem to say, “then we’ll believe it.”

You see, I’m not into super-sovereignty, or like those who say “God sometimes says no.” I’m not a “look at what I put up with and keep grinning” kind of person. I don’t want to be known as the lady who endured a challenged life as a quadriplegic because God assigned that lot to her. I’m not interested in “inspiring” others to put up with whatever tragedy comes along as their cross to bear. I believe in victory. I believe God wants us to resist, overcome and be set free. I believe in the supernatural power of God, healing and prosperity, abundant life. I’m on my way there, running and running.

So we need to support those miracles in progress. Acknowledge the miracles, stir up the faith within those believing. Let’s  cheer them on as they finish their healing journeys. Focus on the  finish line but acknowledge the distance already run. If I could play a song for this blog it might be “I’m already there,” or the Rocky theme song.

**For information on how to apply your faith, read examples in my blog testimonies like Mountains And Molehills and my Youtube videos like I’m Still Here  ; Aggressive Faith! ;  I was Always Sick ; Mark’s Healings