You’re No Exception!

Satan has a game he tries to play where he convinces people that God has forsaken them, doesn’t love them, won’t heal them. But God offers His love to every person on planet earth now and forever. He further put his benefits package in writing and posted it as a preemptive strike against us before all of heaven and earth! He sets it before us for all the universe to see:

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”Deuteronomy‬ ‭30:19‬ ‭

It’s our choice if we wallow in curses. He knew we would blame Him for our tragedies but He showed us ahead of time, (2K -3K years ahead) that it’s not His fault. We are trapped by the words of our own mouths speaking death on ourselves. We speak what we feel or see and get more of the death we speak. If we learn to speak life we see it manifest. It’s like a law of gravity or a law of thermodynamics. You will have what you say you will have.

First we have to agree on one thing that Salvation is God’s will for everyone and yet not everyone wants to take Him up on it. So there’s that. God’s will is for everyone is to be saved..

SozoIt’s not God’s will that anyone perish or be ill but that all come to the knowledge of the truth. The truth of salvation and the truth of healing are one and the same. Sozo is the Greek word used for both in the Bible!

Therefore, if He wants everyone saved, He wants everyone healed! You’re not special in that you’re no exception to God’s love. He is no respecter of people; He loves everyone the same. As Tony Myers says, miracles are available for all of us. No one is special and no one is an exception!

My going six months without food or drink because of a paralyzed stomach shows that God will sustain humans without any food if needed! He is no respecter of persons. Therefore, it isn’t that I’m just some kinda special person. God will do that for anyone.

From Tony Myers’ book “Knocking Food Off Its Pedestal”

The “that was just for him” game is a lie and doesn’t cut it in the Bible. Everything Jesus or the disciples did we can do. Health is for all of us and Tony’s book helps convince you of that. It will take you to the maturity level you’ve been looking for, ready or not!

New Year’s resolution: no pity parties, stop allowing yourself to think you are an exception and you’ll never get healed. It’s like saying you want salvation but it’s not available to you. Ridiculous!

So if you try to claim that God has not followed through or not made good on His promises, you’re going to be proven wrong and in fact you already have been proven wrong. In the court of heaven, God is the lawyer, and judge; the angels are the jury and He has already proven in His courtroom that He has given you the choice to live or die and to be blessed or cursed. Choose wisely! Start speaking life and see it. Don’t say you don’t see it because God is proven to be true and every man who says God isn’t good and isn’t willing to heal is a liar. Complainers are willingly ignorant to the truth!

“You’ve been weighed and you’ve been found wanting” Daniel 5:27

Humbly agree with God that He has provided and you have been blind to His provision, then ask that the eyes of your heart be enlightened.