What’s The Missing Link In Healing? Combat Training

One of the best Bible teachers of our day if not the best, is Andrew Wommack. Andrew was drafted to Vietnam before ministry and I can now see plenty of benefits to that. Before boot camp and training for war, Andrew was a mealy country teacher headed for an accountant career. He decided he was not going to be an accountant and pulled out of college which then made him eligible for the draft. As noble as that is, it’s also a better preparation for ministry than any other ministry can teach. God’s army must have a fighting mentality.

Andrew has been successful at seeing instant healing; Curry Blake has a blackbelt in karate; Todd White went from street fighting to street ministry; Tony Myers is a veteran; I know of in ministry and they share one thing in common. They all have a background in either military combat or other kinds of physical fighting such as karate. Training gets into your thinking. Fighting gets to be reflexive if you are trained well.

I’d like to start a church called The Fighting Church which would make some folks curious enough to check it out; the name might draw a tough crowd but the core members would be great healing material. One thing teachers aren’t able to convey, even Andrew, is how to get into a fighting mentality when you’ve been raised soft and passive. Churchgoers are soft and fighting is discouraged as evil until one day when a member needs to fight for his life! Then his passivity is an anchor which will drag him to the bottom. And God is blamed out of ignorance.

Andrew once said if someone wanted to take his $10 he’d fight him! He said that it’s wrong to let people violate you and I agree! Most people would say “turn the other cheek” is the Christian thing to do, not fight. But standing up for good is right too, resisting evil is Biblical. Love fights for and rescues people. Teaching your child to fight back when attacked is correct! Teach children to not allow themselves to be abused. Churches need to know fighting is good and it’s how you see the fastest success in faith.

Experience in physical fighting creates a willingness to fight, diminishes fear and that is the missing ingredient, the stuff faith is made of. Without this fight you are going to get very few results. Your will is part of faith.