Faith and Medicine

What part can medicine play in faith?

Rom 14:23 says ” But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.

This verse is about eating something outside the old law and legalistic requirements from which they were freed, however, we can also apply this verse to medicine. If you take medicine, take it in faith, not doubt. So for anyone not taking medication in faith, to him it is sin. If you believe taking medicine involves your faith then take it in faith. If we eat or drink we must eat or drink (or take medicine) unto the glory of God.

1 Cor 10:31 says “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God

So if we are against using medicine, let it be also in faith, not by legalism. Do not judge those using medication; neither should those using medicine judge those who have faith not using medicine. Eating any food, any drink or medicine, should be from faith, believing in health.

Faith requires our consent and agreement. If you agree to get well, you will. If you agree to die, you will. Fight to live and choose life.  It’s as simple as just believing you don’t have to die. But if you are afraid of dying, you could give in to death even when it’s not even physically possible! One person  died from fear of being locked in a freezer, even though it wasn’t on. He died of just what he believed was happening. The same can happen in reverse. Believe you don’t have to die even when it seems that you would. Mel Bond rose himself from the dead when he died in a parachute accident! Cars have been known to blur through each other instead of colliding, when those in faith called out to Jesus. An airplane crashed with a pastor on board calling to JESUS; nobody died.

There is no greater act of faith than to believe and agree with God that you will live and not die. 

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