“The Secret” In The Bible

“The Secret” is a best-selling self help book written in 2006. The Bible is also a self-help book which describes laws of successful living, the same laws and more described in The Secret and yet the Bible is not credited. God is not mentioned as the author, only the universe is given credit. Therefore this author of The Secret is a thief and has perjured himself. The strange thing is that the church which teaches the Bible has never recognized this perjury nor does the church teach these laws as from the Bible. Only a few ministries point out the laws of faith that the Bible teaches. Jesus himself did teach these laws over and over to people publicly. He explained them in parables. He even used the parables to keep hidden the secrets of the kingdom of God from those who should not use them. Kingdom laws are used in faith. Anyone who uses Kingdom laws who is not of God’s Kingdom is a “robber and a thief.”

John Chapter 10 talks about sheep, the Shepherd and robbers. Christians are the sheep, Jesus is the good Shepherd AND the gate but who are these robbers getting in another way other than the Gate? How are they getting in? What are they getting into? And what can they do in there? The sheep pen could be the spiritual realm which we do go into and out. It can’t be salvation itself; so it seems to me a good conclusion that those who are not God’s people can access spiritual laws and use them

When I recently found self help books teaching on self talk and changing your life through declarations and affirmations, I immediately realized they are using Biblical truths but not crediting God. In fact the psychologists teaching these things are using the Bible practices with no interest in the Author. This is not only robbery, it’s downright dangerous. To use God’s principles meant only for those connected by faith to the Author of them, is simply ungrateful, pompous and evil. Successful living may be achieved without God; however peace, fulfillment and salvation are still only available through Christ. That is, Know Jesus, know peace; No Jesus, no peace. I urge the non Christian to go through the Gate by way of Jesus who is the door. I also urge the Christian to look into Kingdom laws meant for our success in life.