The Holding Is The Important Part

Another healing parable by Lynne Suszek. You’ve heard that faith is like The Matrix by Curry Blake. Now hear this. Miracles require standing firm and not canceling your believing. Mark 11:24 gives us the pattern for having your miracle. First you pray or declare your expectation based on God’s promises. This is like making a reservation for healing. You have the healing when you make your reservation claim. Then if you keep believing , “you shall have it.” As Jerry Seinfeld once explained humorously “anyone can take a reservation; it’s the holding that really matters!”

This principle is the same in faith. So many of us cancel our reservation because we say we receive but then our words say we didnt. Come rain or snow we must declare we have it. We have it and it’s waiting for us to come and get it! Any time we want we can step into that healing by action and it we SHALL HAVE IT. You can keep making the reservation more than once but it requires you to come and get it. God has it waiting for you just the way you asked.

For examples of picking up your reserved healing view Aggressive Faith for 8 testimony examples.