Old Thinking Keeping You Down? New Year- Get New Thinking

Be not conformed to natural, worldly thinking {limited by time and subject to the beggarly elements of this world} but be transformed by renewing your thinking, manifesting the truth in your bodies and in your life. Rom 12:2

This translation is my own revelation. When we ponder the Word according to what we have in Christ there’s more about victory and how to get it than 99% of the church is teaching. They cant teach what they aren’t living. Living like the world in sickness, poverty, fear and failure is not God’s plan. Jer 29:11 says I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you…”

He has given us the victory in every situation. We are healed, saved and delivered. Always in every situation He has blessed us. There is no depression, sickness or helplessness in Christ. Heaven is now here on earth but we must be heavenly minded.

Once we realize who we are as a born-again, spirit-filled Christian, (“in Christ”), how then shall we live it? We have been living as mere mortals, naturally-minded, trained to be sick and helpless for years. We are trained even by church that Christians get sick and die just like the world. We’ve been duped by Satan through every faithless and unlearned person who believes we have to get sick. First thing, find someone who teaches on victorious living in Christ. The Voice of Victory Kenneth Copeland Ministries is huge. Find The Gospel Truth by Andrew Wommack Or Dominion Life by Dominion Life Church by Currie Blake on Youtube or follow my links above. You learn by the correct interpretation of the Word of God.

In addition to correct teaching, you will need to read books by people who learned how to see faith results. Derek Prince The Atonement gave me the breakthrough in my belief I needed to stop allowing allergies every years and colds. Start living more victory today.