All posts by Lynne Suszek

People who know me generally all say that I don’t seem to be disabled like other people. My family laughs and teases me in a complimentary way that I somehow make people forget about the wheelchair in which I sit. I always take that as a high compliment. I’m glad they stop thinking about the wheelchair when they are with me but the question is, why? Yesterday we had a lady say something so significant to me. The lady at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (Secretary of State) who only saw me for a few minutes, smiled and referred to me as “technically handicapped.” My daughter laughed in agreement with her and pointed out that here was another person seeing me as not actually disabled. I believe this is a spiritual thing. I don’t believe in my handicap as permanent or even see myself as disabled, therefore that emanates to others as well. Very interesting phenomenon. I appear to others as not belonging in a wheelchair even though my body believes I do. Paralyzed from the chest down, hands too. A C-6 spinal cord injury, I’m “technically handicapped.” By faith I say I’m technically healed. But that reality is rising up and the spiritual truth will override the physical. It’s becoming more real every day. I am pursuing the full manifestation of my healing through Christ. I have learned a lot about faith and healing and I like sharing this with others. Thus the blog. I have a Youtube channel, "lynnesuszek", where I teach and share testimonies. Please check out our ministry at!

Spirit Vs Natural Laws

Romans 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”plane Laws of the Spirit override laws of the natural. Even laws in the natural can override other laws of the natural. A plane flies because the laws of thrust and lift override the law of gravity so that temporary defiance of gravity takes place. Science uses all natural laws but supernatural laws are science too. There are laws of faith just waiting to be learned, mastered. Manifesting a miracle can be done at will.

Faith Formulas: Faith + action = manifestation.

“Do what you think you can’t do and your faith will kick in.”-Friend of mine

“It is a law of the human mind that we can act ourselves into believing faster than we can believe our way into acting.” Lester Sumrall

God’s word says we’re healed, so act healed. Keep on trying to do something you know in the natural is impossible based on your faith in God’s Word. The law of sickness and injury will bow to faith. BOOM! It happens.

I have done this myself many times. Defying your body, basically. and telling it who’s in charge. The spirit is supposed to be in charge of the body. 1 Cor 9:27, Mark 14:38