All posts by Lynne Suszek

People who know me generally all say that I don’t seem to be disabled like other people. My family laughs and teases me in a complimentary way that I somehow make people forget about the wheelchair in which I sit. I always take that as a high compliment. I’m glad they stop thinking about the wheelchair when they are with me but the question is, why? Yesterday we had a lady say something so significant to me. The lady at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (Secretary of State) who only saw me for a few minutes, smiled and referred to me as “technically handicapped.” My daughter laughed in agreement with her and pointed out that here was another person seeing me as not actually disabled. I believe this is a spiritual thing. I don’t believe in my handicap as permanent or even see myself as disabled, therefore that emanates to others as well. Very interesting phenomenon. I appear to others as not belonging in a wheelchair even though my body believes I do. Paralyzed from the chest down, hands too. A C-6 spinal cord injury, I’m “technically handicapped.” By faith I say I’m technically healed. But that reality is rising up and the spiritual truth will override the physical. It’s becoming more real every day. I am pursuing the full manifestation of my healing through Christ. I have learned a lot about faith and healing and I like sharing this with others. Thus the blog. I have a Youtube channel, "lynnesuszek", where I teach and share testimonies. Please check out our ministry at!

The Eyes Have It

Power flows through us and even through inanimate things. So many things communicate spiritually. Colors, a look, gestures, jewelry, a voice, art, music, photos, museums. What we think and feel communicates too. “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it,” they say. That’s spiritual. Flirting is spiritual too. What spirit is it? A seductive one. As Joey on Friends says, anything he says can be sexy. On the other hand, we can put on Christ and start flowing spiritually without words. Compassion is God flowing in you and it can be felt.

What’s in a look? Power, spiritual power is in the eyes as well as our words. So much can be communicated without words that people can talk without ever saying a word. We can also mistakenly give way to our secret feelings if we don’t mask well enough.

As Christians we should be wary of flowing in a bad spirit and beware of being affected by others through looks. Satan prowls around seeking those through whom he can express himself and intimidate. Violence can also be communicated without words. Often we use the disclaimer “What?! What did I say? Nothing!”

Stay full of the Holy Spirit by focusing on God so that , joy and love can flow through you. God looks to and fro throughout the earth also looking for a willing vessel. If you put on Christ, people will feel peaceful around you, acceptance and no confusion.

Practice affecting those around you with Christ through your eyes. You can exude the love of God without words. Then your words with be containers of faith, healing, love and grace. When no words are coming to you, rest assured your eyes say it.