All posts by Lynne Suszek

People who know me generally all say that I don’t seem to be disabled like other people. My family laughs and teases me in a complimentary way that I somehow make people forget about the wheelchair in which I sit. I always take that as a high compliment. I’m glad they stop thinking about the wheelchair when they are with me but the question is, why? Yesterday we had a lady say something so significant to me. The lady at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (Secretary of State) who only saw me for a few minutes, smiled and referred to me as “technically handicapped.” My daughter laughed in agreement with her and pointed out that here was another person seeing me as not actually disabled. I believe this is a spiritual thing. I don’t believe in my handicap as permanent or even see myself as disabled, therefore that emanates to others as well. Very interesting phenomenon. I appear to others as not belonging in a wheelchair even though my body believes I do. Paralyzed from the chest down, hands too. A C-6 spinal cord injury, I’m “technically handicapped.” By faith I say I’m technically healed. But that reality is rising up and the spiritual truth will override the physical. It’s becoming more real every day. I am pursuing the full manifestation of my healing through Christ. I have learned a lot about faith and healing and I like sharing this with others. Thus the blog. I have a Youtube channel, "lynnesuszek", where I teach and share testimonies. Please check out our ministry at!

To Be Carnally Minded

Romans 8:6 “To be carnally-minded is death, to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”

‭‭ I used to think “carnal-minded” meant worldly and maybe sinful. When I thought that, it stopped me from understanding the full impact and power of the truth here. Carnal actually means “sense knowledge.”

So being attached to sensational things that stimulate the 5-senses is actually to be sensual and carnal.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not {merely} carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Cor 10:5) 6″Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. ”

“Listen to your body” is the world’s wisdom. “Make your body listen to you” is Biblical.

1 Cor 9:27 “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection

So a nutritionist who is focused on food is very much in tune with sense of sight, taste, touch, and smell. Food has a very big impact on the senses. The more you focus on food and think about it, the more carnal or naturally-minded you become. A spiritually-minded person however, is not necessarily someone who is born-again or spirit filled but rather he is in touch with spiritual imagination. As long as your imaginations are following Philippians 4:8, “things that are lovely and of good report..” a person will reap life and peace. A person focused on death will usher death in to his own life. God’s principles work for anyone. That’s why it says “”don’t be fooled, whatever a man sows, he will reap.” Sowing with seeds of words will reap either death or life. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

What about Rolling Stones’ drug addicts Mick Jagger and Keith Richards? Or anyone else in Hollywood who lived through drug abuse? Nutrition experts can still come down with diseases and drug addicts can outlive them. So what’s up with that?

According to biblical principles, a nutritionist could be speaking death over himself and be outlived by the rock ‘n’ roll drug attic who is speaking life. I have an X brother-in-law who was living a lifestyle of addiction many years ago and he continues to live beyond expectation of any doctor or nutritionist. However, in pride and even in jest, his motto is “they can’t kill me! They keep trying but they can’t kill me!” He is still alive today. Another family member lived a fairly healthy life and walked for miles as a post man. His unfortunate claim was that he would probably die before he retired. The year he retired, he was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away before he could enjoy his retirement. I venture to say that these rock ‘n’ roll artists that are outliving medical explanation have not been speaking death over themselves but life. I’m sure if I had a chance to interview Keith Richards or Mick Jagger, they would admit that they speak life over themselves. I’ve heard that Elvis Presley was sure he would not live past his 45th birthday and he didn’t.

These are just a few examples of scriptural explanation of death and life. Whether a Christian or not, people operate in principles of life and death. They just don’t it’s biblical.