All posts by Lynne Suszek

People who know me generally all say that I don’t seem to be disabled like other people. My family laughs and teases me in a complimentary way that I somehow make people forget about the wheelchair in which I sit. I always take that as a high compliment. I’m glad they stop thinking about the wheelchair when they are with me but the question is, why? Yesterday we had a lady say something so significant to me. The lady at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (Secretary of State) who only saw me for a few minutes, smiled and referred to me as “technically handicapped.” My daughter laughed in agreement with her and pointed out that here was another person seeing me as not actually disabled. I believe this is a spiritual thing. I don’t believe in my handicap as permanent or even see myself as disabled, therefore that emanates to others as well. Very interesting phenomenon. I appear to others as not belonging in a wheelchair even though my body believes I do. Paralyzed from the chest down, hands too. A C-6 spinal cord injury, I’m “technically handicapped.” By faith I say I’m technically healed. But that reality is rising up and the spiritual truth will override the physical. It’s becoming more real every day. I am pursuing the full manifestation of my healing through Christ. I have learned a lot about faith and healing and I like sharing this with others. Thus the blog. I have a Youtube channel, "lynnesuszek", where I teach and share testimonies. Please check out our ministry at!

Weather Or Not You’re In Michigan

After hearing the report of an ice storm again for the third week in a row, we declared “It will part and go around us” The more we get a bad weather report, the more strongly we prophesy against it. The weather man said today “Michigan dodged a bullet today” as the Winter advisory prediction for Michigan never happened. Holding their breath the weather report still stood all day as they watched the storm split and go around the Detroit area. We do this often. Why do people get mad at weather reporters when it changes for the better? They can only tell us what they see coming. They don’t account for prayer!

Prayer declarations are explained in James 3:4-6 which has been totally misunderstood and misinterpreted in most versions and commentaries. The following is more spiritually sound to my understanding than any other translation. I believe all who believe in the power of words agree with this interpretation:

Behold also ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small rudder, wherever the captain chooses. So the tongue is small but {has great power to change the course of our lives because God said so in Proverbs 18:21} 

Makes more sense than “the tongue boasts great things” as in the tongue talks big but does not deliver? God says death and life are in the power of the tongue, so it must have some power. Mixed with faith, our declarations are the difference between sickness and health, life and death, poor or wealth. We’ve been seeing more effect to or prayer by this understanding. We continue to learn about believing very day. “According to your faith it will be done”