Dear Joseph Prince Ministries
I’m writing to tell you my story thus far. Although I have been wheelchair bound these past thirty years (1985) I am not yet writing about my expected testimony of healing. I’m writing because of the journey I am on, not only of healing but one from legalism to grace. My story is so typical yet my revelation of grace so radical. I’ve never been one suffering from condemnation and sin consciousness, however, the guilt of not being able to receive or grab ahold of my miracle does haunt me. There’s guilt in knowing God wants me walking yet not understanding the lie that paralyzes me from within my heart. Learning to relax seems to be an issue with me; resting and relaxing in the arms of Jesus will, I’m sure be a part of receiving the miracle I need from a spinal cord injury.
I’ve published a book which describes my story. The revelations I wrote in it are so far out, so helpful for addicts, so full of tools for deliverance I am waiting for it to explode into prison ministry, rehabilitation centers and counseling. I’ve truly felt that grace is so big and so freeing yet most ministries do not understand how to use it to help people. However,Joseph Prince has been teaching at the level of grace my book describes. I feel it is too much grace for most people. One chapter that blows everyone’s mind is called “Sin Is Not An Action.”
There are chapters which re-explain the legalistic views on head coverings, divorce and remarriage. I wrote it as self help for myself and for others. Writing it was therapeutic for me. Pastor Prince has said things that make me believe he would cheer me on. I’m cheering him on from my ho
use as he delivers the gospel like no other. I’ve thought of sending my book to other ministries but nobody else has a grace revelation like mine until I started hearing Pastor Prince this year. We are truly one in Christ and the Spirit wants this message out there. I even have written about food being spiritual and not to be caught up in the bondage of nutrition as a source of health. I’ve heard Pastor Prince speak on food as well and I laughed and shouted in agreement, saying “Hear! Hear!” We often quote him at meals saying, “Just sanctify it in Jesus’ Name and EAT IT!” Amen!
I want to send him my book if by some act of God, Pastor Prince would be led to read it. It would be faster for someone to download an Ebook of it, from Amazon. It’s called “First Wash The Inside” by Lynne Suszek. Thank you for your bold teachings. God is excited for the true Gospel of freedom in Christ to be understood.
May Our Paths Cross Soon,
Lynne Suszek
Joseph Prince thank you for doing what you do your message comes across so very clearly it’s a pleasure to hear that you are a friend of Joel Olsteen I also love to hear him preach and also another great one I love to hear is Joyce Meyers I totally believe in my heart and know that for a fact that you three were chosen at this. And time to preach to the world and to let as many people as you possibly can know the truth and the word of God and how beautiful all three of you do it in your own unique way loving life that much more having preachers like you enjoy enjoyed tell it like it really is in the truth it really lies in the Bible I pray today for all the great preachers of the world to have the super Superior strength and courage to keep doing what they are doing for the world need you so thank you Paul from Pittsburgh
Hi all! My name is Douglas. And you know what? Joseph prince has been one person god has used in my life a lot over the last 6 years or so? And it’s very interesting how there are a fair amount of people who say negative things about Joseph prince? Many who are or claim to be church leaders or pastors etc? But here is the thing. I read a lot of the commentaries that these people done concerning Joseph prince. And yes many of them do use scriptures a lot to make points contrary to teachings of Joseph prince? But you see I am not a pastor or church leader. But by God’s grace I have been a child of God and studied Christianity and the scripture off and on for over 30 years. And one thing I noticed? And there had been many many times that when I would study the scriptures I would totally delve deep into the scriptures concerning context and word tenses and definitions and Greek and Hebrew etc? And what I see is that when it comes to Joseph prince much of what he says is spot on with the what the scriptures really are saying in context and meaning! And with every person I seen who says Joseph prince is a false teacher etc? Well they never go into extreme detail with scripture in context and word tenses and Greek and Hebrew? And now as with me as I said I do. Joseph prince also really delves into the scriptures deep! And so the people out there who say negative things about Joseph prince? Well it’s like all of them don’t go deep enough and exhaustive enough into his teachings? And if they did? They would really see that as I said “Joseph prince is pretty much spot on”. So if a person is a child of God? Then I believe that they should be a student of the scriptures also? And delve deep into the scriptures?! Although that’s not a requirement to be born again? But let me tell you this! It helps in life and the person’s walk with the Lord if they are a student of God’s word (the scriptures)! Thank you all for bearing with me! And may God richly bless you all!
I need pray worriers to pray for my granddaughter. Her parents believe in Christ! She has gone in the wrong direction with the wrong people and gotten into drugs. She knows she went in the wrong direction but now doesn`t know how to get out. Will you please pray for her safety through this. What can I do to help her? I stand in for her in prayer that our father will take over this problem!
Fran I agree with you today and declare your granddaugter free from deception and harm. We command Satan to take his grip off of her! She is God’s. We assign angels to encamp around her and guard her. Let the eyes of her heart be enlightened today.
Hear! Hear!