Do Not Believe What Your Eyes See And Ears Hear

In John 7:24 Jesus teaches not to judge by appearances but judge with your spirit, righteously. This verse is usually taught to not make superficial judgement on people before hearing the whole case. I believe it has multiple meanings; they usually do. I am hearing the Spirit using this about our bodies. We should not trust our natural senses to believe our health. Harry Houdini said

What the eyes see and the ears hear the mind believes. ~ Harry Houdini

The art of deception, by magicians, is based on the value of our senses. Our five senses are the best doorway to making the mind believe. Yet God directs us in John 7:24 not to believe carnally (by sense knowledge) but use your spiritual discernment to judge truth.

Our bodies can, involuntarily to us, give us false symptoms of sickness, death or pain. It’s phantom sickness. All sickness and disease is false information because the truth is Jesus is our double-cure! 1 Peter 2:24 “He bore our sin in his own body on the tree… and by his wounds we were healed.” So there.

For example, I have felt symptoms of heart attack before. Pain in left arm and chest pain. I immediately told my body to stop and laughed, “I am not having a heart attack!” The symptoms leave when we believe. This is how we fight disease, sickness, death and even injury.

Once you experience the result of symptoms leaving, any symptoms, you’ve set a precedence, so to speak. In legal terms, when a certain judgement has been made in court, it becomes a precedence for future cases. It has been ruled that Jesus has paid for our wounds and that is enough; however whenever you experience something, it helps you believe it can be done again. So gain ground and use every victory as a precedence for future ones. In fact Jesus was amazed by the disciples unbelief because they were amazed at his miracle of walking on water. Jesus marveled at the disciples’ amazement! Why are they amazed at Him after they saw him do other miracles? When you believe, you expect. It becomes normal to see miracles when you see them a lot.

Help yourself believe by reading testimonies and then practicing your faith daily. It will soon become natural to see the supernatural.

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