Category Archives: Confession

What Is Truth?

What did Pontius Pilate mean by asking Jesus “what is truth”?” (John 18:38) Whatever he meant, it was a question that went down in history and is something we too must all ask.

There are disputes about “truth” among Christians. God says 1Peter 2:24 “by His stripes we were healed” yet most churches teach and accept sickness as truth today. The Bible says “as He is so are we in this world” but churches teach “we are only human, we can’t heal a fly.” The Bible says “we are made in His image and likeness” but the church says “we are like wretched worms.” The Bible says we are victorious, the church says “it’ll never work!”  God says we are “forgiven and “we are the righteousness of God in Christ;” most churches teach “we are still sinners; stop sinning! ” If church would say what God says about us, people would see changes in their lives.

Truth is important because it is going to set us free. Truth sets us free from lies not from other truth. We don’t exchange one truth of currently bad health to a different truth of good health. Poor health is not truth, according to God’s Word. God says he has given us every spiritual blessing and we can experience abundant life in this world. If you know the truth, it sets you free from lies. (John 8:32) Just as light dispels darkness.

Truth is always an absolute, not a maybe. We never change truth. We only change our understanding. The only questions we ever need ask is “what is true and what is an illusion or delusion?” Agree with truth and you get truth, if you agree with lies, you experience lies. Knowledge can either be true or false. Facts are physical or spiritual. Both exist at the same time.

Our identity is very important. Who we think we are matters every day. We view ourselves as young or old, employed or unemployed, home owner or homeless:, well or sick, able or physically disabled, single or married, poverty or prosperous, thin or fat, sober or addict, mature or immature, slave or free.

Children don’t understand what they see many times. They need help understanding everything. They think things that are not so every day. We are like children when we rely on our senses to decide what is so. Using God’s Word to understand truth will give you that understanding in your life.

When we have a change in circumstances it should not change our identity. We call ourselves “between jobs” instead of unemployed. That’s actually good. Everything bad is not who we are in Christ. Our identity is royalty! Prosperous and blessed. Satan tried to get you to confess and exchange your rightful truth into the lie . If you accept unemployed as your identity you will have trouble not only getting a job but keeping one.

Whenever we feel like we are sick, it is never to be permanent or unto death. In order to stay well we must view ourselves as always well not back and forth, sick-well-sick-well. Never give in to an identity that is not yours in Christ.

God has given us an identity and we need to get with the program of who we are “in Him.” It’s Biblical truth! So stop letting Satan tell you, “Stop lying! You’re sick!” You say “the truth is God’s Word! I’m healed!”