Category Archives: Spiritual

Envy Is Your Enemy

James 13:16 For where envying and strife are, there is confusion and every evil thing.”

What’s the Biblical formula for removing evil? If Envy+Strife = Evil Things then thankfulness and peace will remove it. Speaking God’s Words surgically removes envy and strife. Jealousy is from a godly love, envy comes from hate. Do not confuse the two. Our God is a jealous God,; He is jealous for us. No idol is ok to come between you and Him.

People don’t think of envy as the enemy that it is. The Bible plainly tells us that if you struggle with envy you can find yourself with mental disorders (confusion) among other evil things. Arguing/strife is also a handicap stemming in pride which also causes symptoms of EVERY EVIL THING. This means we should fight off envy spiritually until it’s gone. As Christians we think of envy as a dirty secret in our heart that we should squish, hush, bury or stab when it rears up. If we look at envy as the ugly demon it is, we will get our spiritual sword out (scripture verses) and speak them until envy is ousted. Speak out loud James 3:16 as quoted above; as medicine all day long, get that spirit out of there.

Envy is the reason the Jews rejected the gospel of Jesus even despite miracles. I’m Acts 17:5 envy was in the hearts of those who attacked the house of Jason where Paul and Silas were meeting. Today the same is happening to good men of this country.

“How do I know if have envy?” Out of the mouth the heart speaks. You don’t need to make other people feel good by telling them you’re jealous. of them. Confession helps us get rid of things but the word of God is the sword that actually cuts it out of our heart surgically. If you pay attention and hear yourself saying “I’m so jealous” as a joke or anything, then envy is in there. Don’t just say “I should not be envious” actually speak God’s words, Bible verses. Confession shines the light so God can remove it. Confession is recognizing a problem. God’s words are the remedy.

Strife is the brother of envy. Pride is the fuel to strife. Envy is the opposite of thankfulness. It is hatred toward someone else who has something you don’t. Satan tries to tell us we are complimenting someone when we say, “I envy you” However, The Bible tells us we are saying “I hate you.” Some girls jokingly, actually say “I hate you” and somehow this is supposed to be acceptable, a complement.

So if we want to get rid of every evil work in our lives… this verse tells us where to start. Am I right? 😂😜🙌🏻🙌🏻 Amen?!

We minister to people with mental illnesses. Manic depression, also called Bipolar- schizophrenic, or schizo-affective disorder is rampant. Depression, anxiety, PTSD are the most popular diagnoses around here. We equip people to fight off delusion by pouring God’s Word in and putting armor in their hands. Great strides are made but each person must cooperate to get free. Any mental distinction is spiritually rooted in fear, trauma, envy or strife; the occult is huge in causing mental disorders. All disorders involve self condemnation, fear, a perfectionist mentality which is rooted in self effort. Grace is the very thing they need to understand. Not enabling, but Grace the gospel. Salvation and healing come by gift. Demons don’t have grace. They justify without Jesus as the grace reason. Without Jesus there is no grace period. With Jesus, there is the grace to overcome. Because of Jesus, not our effort, we win. All the credit is His, we just grab ahold of the benefit by faith.

This grace concept seems to evade people for two reasons. 1. Pride wants to get the credit. Pride thinks we don’t deserve to get well. Pride enjoys suffering and the attention received by loved ones for self destructing habits. Pride wallows in pity. Pride doesn’t want to get saved. Pride likes to suffer and feel like a martyr. That’s one!

2. Humbling ourselves is a foreign concept. From whence should we find an example of humility? We have so few examples of humility, we wouldn’t recognize it if we saw it. Using God’s words instead of our own is humbling. Quoting scripture out loud is humbling. Rebuking the enemy is humbling because it admits to ourselves that we are out of control. That we let a demon take control. Humble yourself and God will lift you up. That’s the formula!