Category Archives: Faith

Are You “In Denial” of Your Healing?

In the medical field, psychiatrists, doctors, therapists and nurses have a catch phrase that we lay-people have learned. When you are dealing with a negative report, they don’t like you to deny your diagnosis. If you study the sickness until you believe in it, you’re making them happy. Those in faith for healing however really get the “look” from them. If you’re not embracing the bad report, not studying it, not in agreement with it, congratulations! You’re in faith for healing. If you think you are believing for healing, you will have to make a choice. You can’t believe in the natural and a miracle at the same time so choose this day whose report you will believe! You can see a miracle when you’re not in faith but you won’t believe it was a miracle.

An example would be when I was dying everyone knew that I couldn’t eat, everyone was focused on the fact that I was dying and going downhill fast, we were all looking at the symptoms. NOT ONE of us recognized that the Lord was sustaining me. I was four months with no food, feeding tube or anything of substance, which is impossible, yet it happened. Had someone recognized that, then I quite possibly would’ve been healed sooner. The bottom line is, if you think you’re in a battle then you will be, but if you bring Truth and Life into the situation then the battle is over and done. Tony Myers

Therefore if you want a miracle make sure you’re actually not in denial of it. You must be “in denial” of one or the other. If you are in faith for the medical or natural realm you are probably in denial of a miracle. Here’s a litmus test:

You may be in denial of your healing if…

  • you know so much about the disease you can teach it to others
  • You think you have seen no or little improvement in months
  • You’re not expecting healing to happen right now
  • You have not done anything successful in faith lately like see result in prayer for anyone

If you fit this description with these “symptoms” you need practice embracing your healing.

Faith exercises: Speak out loud

“There is improvement because Jesus already healed us all 2000 years ago” (1Peter 2:24.)

“Lord open the eyes of my heart that I can see my healing” (Ephesians 1:18)

Take communion every time you eat, acknowledging God as your source of health and nourishment instead of food. Say “God is my strength, not food” and “I have food that you know not of” with each meal, separating yourself from natural thinking.

Why are we so in denial of our own healing? Jesus was amazed by the disciples unbelief after the miracle of the loaves. He saw that their hearts were dull to believe because they considered not the miracle of the loaves. Mrk 6:52 Miracle of loaves Mrk 6:4-6

When we fail to consider miracles, acknowledge them and believe them when we see them we are dull of heart or hardened in heart. It’s hard to believe in our own improvement. Soften your heart by considering miracles. Watch them on Youtubes, read about them over and over . That’s how you change from unbelief to belief.

Reading material:

Break A Rule The Grace Prescription by Lynne Suszek

Unlocking The Mystery Of Divine Healing by Tony Myers

The Lord Jesus Healed Me by Tony Myers