Category Archives: Faith

I’m All In With Faith 

Faith for miracles is a sensitive thing. It’s really about focus. If you split your focus, it weakens your faith. Doublemindedness is a faith killer. I study faith with  God and He points things out to me as I ask questions. If you don’t have questions and ask, you don’t understand any answers even if they are right in front of you. God loves to reveal things to us. 

One thing I’m getting more convinced of is the importance of operating in faith every day. If you have faith in doctors, you limit yourself to their abilities. I need more than the ability of doctors. I want my faith to work and I want God to flow through me every day. I want to live by faith. I’m “all in” as they say. I’ve got all my chips in one place. I find that people I know jump in and out of faith. Some only want faith when no medicine or doctors can help. That is a very carnal way to live and it’s very limiting to your life. Like a laser I want to focus on speaking to things daily. I believe I’m changing the weather quite often. If they call for high winds, I’m speaking to the wind to calm down. It may take a few hours but I believe it happens almost every time. I expect it to work. When it does work I don’t pass it off as a coincidence, I acknowledge it and God gets excited with me. God wants you to grow up in faith. It’s our heritage as His children. 

What can we use our faith for today? When we want to have a supernatural childbirth, we can’t wait until labor is happening to start our faith in action. We must see results all through the pregnancy. Practice making pain go away regularly. Practice using faith for headaches or praying over your children. You were designed to dominate this earth. Be in charge of your surroundings. God wants us to act like the superheroes He made us. The apostle stepped into their god-like or sons-of-God nature when Jesus taught them to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons. We are supposed to be faith-focused. Think faith-first. Talk faith, act in faith. We are in the Kingdom of heaven now. Rise up and rule your surroundings. God doesn’t want us to live carnal, natural lives. Think like a son or daughter of the Most High God. Be faith-conscious, be mindful of God constantly, talking to Him about every thing you are doing. He flows in us and through us. 

Also I like activating other gifts of the Holy Spirit to use my faith daily. You can learn how to flow in the Holy Spirit through many sources. Here is a ministry helping people flow in gifts of The Holy Spirit Click here ->> Practicing Words Of Knowledge 

You can bet that practicing your faith in new ways will certainly increase your ability to flow in healing. The more you learn how to hear the Holy Spirit the better you will be able to use your faith for everything!  

Develop a faith support group with people who believe in using faith daily. When this happens, you will be able to believe faster. When we hang around carnal Christians who think naturally, speak natural realm and do natural things, our faith is thwarted. Change the environment you are in everywhere you go. When you step into a room, the atmosphere will shift spiritually. Your home is a faith home. You are the dominant force if you focus and discuss your faith with God all day. He will show you opportunities. Think faith! Talk to God every minute. Stop distracting yourself from His voice. He is speaking.