Category Archives: Miracles

When 1Peter 2:24 Makes Sense, You Are Believing

When you think of things in terms of phrases that you have known since childhood, these things make more sense to you. Phrases used in the south compared to those of us in the north or other parts of the world will make more sense to the people who live there. As you learn about faith, it’s best to put words together that help you believe. Jesus often used parables that the disciples would understand such as fishing and farming. God wants faith to make sense to you. When the supernatural seems normal, you are actively seeing results.

Using this logic, I say that if the Word of God is true and Jesus took away our sins and sicknesses according to Galatians 3:13 and 1Peter 2:24, then it also must be true that we cannot be ill; sicknesses and pain and disease and disability do not exist. There is therefore no such thing as sickness, allergies, cancer, paralysis and the flu. When I stopped believing in allergies, they stopped having power over me. I do not suffer with Hay Fever twice a year anymore. I do not get the flu shot nor the flu, no colds, no more bronchitis, no migraines. I stopped believing they exist. If I start to get pain, I remind myself that it isn’t real. It leaves.

The movie The Matrix has it right except we are seated in heaven, not a yucky world. While we are on earth, we can live just as supernaturally as we can believe. “All things are possible..” to whom?? “To whosoever can believe.” You can change what you believe over time or in seconds, as soon as the truth makes sense to you. If you think saying “I’ve already got it” makes sense like Andrew Wommack then say that. If you think saying “Thank God I’m healed” is how you should say it, like Charles Capps do that. When it makes sense to you, you are believing. The battle is done. When Mike Hoesh said “ya! I’ve already got it!” his battle with cancer was over and he saw improvement start. He rested in his healing and symptoms changed. When Wendy Weldon said “Hey! I’m not sick!” Cancer left her and she was done. When Tony Myers saw Jesus suffering on the cross in his place, he realized his healing and instantly was unparalyzed. The battle is between our faith in wellness and our faith in the sickness. Remind yourself all day that you are well, sickness does not exist and look for improvement.

Virginia, there is no such thing as Santa and there is no such thing as sickness. How do our brains make us believe stuff that isn’t true? Read my blog on that by clicking on the link . The sooner you learn to stop believing in disease the sooner you can believe you are well! The sooner you can believe injury and brain damage and autism is not real, the sooner it will change.