Category Archives: Miracles

Sickness, You Have No Power Here!

Sadly, the best example of resistance to evil I can find is Glinda of The Wizard of Oz. That’s because the church doesn’t know how to do it! Are we saying we are witches? No; witches are copycatting who we are in Christ. When disease or injury appear in our lives, sickness, tragedy or pain.. our reaction should be just like Glinda here, “You have no power here! Be gone!” In the Land of the Kingdom of God, which is here in Christ, (we are in it) the power is in us to believe and see results. We need to hang around people living the way we are supposed to; then we would catch on. Church meetings should be about how we lived miraculously this week. Paul did it, although beaten down, he always won. They couldn’t kill him until he was ready to give up. He made that clear when he talked about his choices in his letters as if he were singing, “should I stay or should I go now?” (The Rolling Stones understood Paul’s dilemma jk) “If I go there will be trouble..(for his followers when he is gone) “If I stay it will be double..” (for him) If you don’t know the verses I’m referring to then you will be confused. In his letter to the Philippians chapter 1:21, Paul explains that to stay here is to be like Christ, living supernaturally, but to die is also good for Paul. Yet it’s trouble for those who remain without him because his disciples needed him. So he stayed because it was his choice! While here he had victory. He survived everything done to him. After being stoned to death, Paul just got up, dusted off and walked to the next town. No biggie, eh Paul? That’s right, we can all do it. We can and will live this way. Learn how by listening to those preaching dominion life.

Curry Blake, Tony Meyers, Andrew Wommack, Lynne and Mark Suszek of HisAbility Ministries … you need to understand you are free. Those who are sick are living in lies imposed on our bodies because our minds are not renewed. But we can shake these lies off at any time.

Watch for the new book by Tony Myers, “Unlocking The Mysteries Of Divine Healing” being published in a week!