Fervent Prayer Of The Righteous In Christ Availeth Much

The only righteous people are in Christ. Let’s start with that. A righteous man can only be a man who is born again, in Christ. Now take that righteous man and teach him to pray effectively, using his authority in Christ and you have “availeth much!” (James 5:16b) So whereever you see the word righteous in the Bible, if you’re born again, this means you .

Out of hundreds of people praying, petitioning, if one person knows how to use his authority and command symptoms to leave and speak life, that man is effective. More effective than hundreds of people praying ignorantly for God to do something that he instructed us to do which is speak life.Stand up to death and cast it off. Tell pain to shut up. Don’t take no for an answer from sickness. God is on our side.

Count yourself blessed if you have friends who know how to pray effectively. If they speak as though God “had mercy” On some and apparently not on others then they don’t know much about prayer. Learn to pray with authority.

Salvation is as simple as Gomer Pyle, with prayer like Sergeant Carter.