Resist Germaphobia

Washing hands is normal but when does it become compulsive? Right now we are being pushed to fear germs and viruses like never before. We are instructed by school, work, commercials and in stores to wash hands often. Unfortunately this ritual is promoting Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is hitting children now. But it can be resisted.

Many reasons can play a part in how it happens but fear is the root. Trauma can be the trigger or a simple suggestion but regardless of how it starts let’s believe you can be free. The medical realm of hospitals and doctors is highly respected and followed religiously. Faith in medical practices can cause OCD if you believe everything they tell you.

Also in my book Break A Rule, you learn how perfectionism is a sickness that starts many times with religion. When Christian principles are taught or even enforced on a child without the truth of grace, it can cause mental disorder.

Monsters of Legalism are in churches and medical practices but abusers can develop in either.The result? Damage, disfunction, disorder, fear, rejection of God, atheism. Break a Rule is a prescription that resists legalism and perfectionist thinking which is unhealthy while teaching grace the way it is actually meant to be taught. The gospel of Christ is grace not rules.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16

Christ is grace. Christ is grace. The gospel of Christ is rightstanding with God by believing that Jesus purchased it for us, wrapped it up and gave it to us. You only need to believe it, accept His gift and you’re in. You’re a citizen of heaven instantly.Just keep believing and you stay saved. Is there any more? There’s more to develop and grow in that knowledge; there’s more to renew your mind and that’s how you get rid of OCD. By understanding grace you can renew your mind into the mind of Christ. You’ve already got the cure if you believe but working out the cure into your thoughts is a part of Christian living. Learning what we have in Christ is where church is supposed to be helpful. However, if church is giving you a different gospel, not of grace but law and Legalism, guilt and fear, then you’ve been punked! Duped! You’ve been given a counterfeit gospel. You’ve been conned! OCD is a fear-based fleshly effort at perfectionism. A symptom of being taught a false gospel.Start learning the true gospel today!

John 1:17 for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

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