Tag Archives: Acts 10:13

Peter! Break A Rule! Understanding Grace Which Leads To Everything

In Acts 10:13, Peter has a vision of God telling him to kill and eat meats formerly said to be against the rules. That’s like God telling you to have something you formerly believed to be unhealthy or even wrong. “Have a cigarette” to learn grace.. or “have a martini!” You might gasp like Peter did. “No Lord!” Your walk with God is not about food but your attachment to rules has to go! While this verse also is about Peter being instructed to preach to the gentiles, it still means break a rule. (Breaking the law of Jews only being God’s people)

Grace is so misunderstood and yet it is our lifeline to God. Understanding grace is so necessary and also mostly resisted by the church. Churches are called “Grace Church This or That” and yet they preach law, (avoidance of sin) as the main goal of being a Christian. Sin is no longer our focus. Freedom from sin is our prize, our fuel! Freedom is our bragging point not a shameful wart on the hand. Grace is freedom to focus on God’s plan and direction and His ability through us. We are free to practice the power of faith, by healing everyone, explaining the truth, exposing lies.

What is grace to your church? It is the unmerited favor of God, yes for salvation; but don’t stop there. Grace is God’s power to always be victorious over even death! Yes it’s victory over evil but it’s more! Grace is victory to win win win, not to live in curses, depression, guilt, shame, lack and sickness. Once you understand this, you will say hey that’s where I want to be; how do I get there? You are there in spirit when you’re born again, you’re just having an identity crisis. So in order to learn what you already have, your benefits in Christ and how to activate them, you need to hook up with ministries that teach this! Ministries like: Andrew Wommack, John G. Lake/Currie Blake, Duane Sheriff, (and us). Listen to YouTube teachings like

The Video Church.

We spoon feed you the victory you’re supposed to learn to walk in. And of course my two books Break A Rule by me and First Wash The Inside by my husband and me again. Look on Amazon to find them.

Read my blogs explaining grace like Falling From Grace- The Grace Version. Read my blogs about all the Grace version scripture interpretations.

Fall into Grace for real, and learn what “falling away from Grace” really means! Falling away from grace is the tendency we have to cling to our own efforts to walk out salvation by doing and being like Christ. Yes, that is rejecting grace or falling from grace. So accept God’s grace as an unearned gift and walk out that victorious life which is the true gospel.

The Grace Version Blog