Tag Archives: Andrew Wommack

Mountains And Mole Hills

I exercise my faith as often as I see opportunity. I consider my faith a muscle to exert power over things that need to change,  to agree with God’s Word. I’ve used my faith to undo allergies, rebuke fevers, reverse infections, back pain, flu, colds and hyperreflexia. Now I’ve reached a new level that I didn’t know was a big deal for my heart.        I removed a mole,  by faith, in Jesus’ Name.
I was watching a Healing Journey over and over for years on skin cancer healing through Andrew Wommack Ministries. I study them and meditate on these testimonies often; I learn so much from testimonies. I ponder them and consider why they had victory and how the laws of faith work. The healing_hoesch7_largehealing story of Mike Hoesch is so powerful to my heart (my ability to believe) that I decided to practice my faith by removing a mole.
After my dad passed away with melanoma cancer, I learned how to speak death to cancer and then I knew that if I ever got a suspicious spot on my skin, I’d be on it like a chicken on a June bug. I have some brown moles on my body, ”birth marks” or whatever. One brown mole on my leg was raised and it drew my attention for years. I would see it in the shower and think about why it disturbed me. It seemed to be speaking threats to me so I watched it. I kept my eye on it every day. My caregivers would even mention that we sometimes need to get moles removed.  Then I learned that whatever we focus on, causes it to get bigger; and this mole actually started to grow. As I noticed it getting bigger, my attention was drawn to it even more. I thought about Mike Hoesch’s testimony and how he “thought nothing of it” at first. Then I realized that his mistake was that he didn’t think enough of it to nip it in the bud. Mike didn’t know about his authority in Christ or how to use it until he was finally introduced to a teaching by Andrew Wommack, “You’ve Already Got It.” I KNOW my authority in Christ. So I decided to use my faith to see this mole go away, as if it were cancer. When learning about healing, it’s important to practice using your faith often and see results.  I believe one purpose for fasting is to exercise faith against the body. Fasting helps keep your body under your subjection. I rebuke headaches, hunger, faintness, dizziness when I fast, as practice in using my faith. I tell my body what to do. 1 Cor 9:27 This developing of my faith will lead to the full healing of this Spinal Cord Injury I deal with. Paralysis is a mountain for me. I’m starting with mole hills I suppose.

So I took my thumb and pressed on the mole angrily, telling it to shrink, dry up and die. I said; “I command you to dry up, shrivel and die in Jesus Name.” I spoke to it every time I noticed it for a couple weeks, and it started to change. I knew it would change but I didn’t know how it would morph as it got smaller. To my surprise, the brown color got smaller and as it left, the mole lost its life force and became dry and crusty and clear. I never realized that the color brown seems to be the living force. The skin left over became clear , dried and it flaked off as the brown color left. It looks like a tiny skin tag now, no brown color at all. It’s barely visible, after existing my whole life, I think. If you have warts, they are removable exactly the same way.
This miracle did more for my heart’s ability to believe than anything I had previously done by faith. Why? My eyes were witness to it. Other people’s  eyes remember it was there too. We tend to believe more with our eyes than anything else, so my heart is more convinced in faith working than before.  According to our faith, we see results. Today a mole hill; Tomorrow, moving my mountain.

Faith is a tool that God gave us, like a servant. (Lk 17:7)

We have the faith OF God  Mark 11:23-24 Read in context. Notice the word “in” is not part o the original manuscripts.

He said with a small amount of faith we could move a tree or even a mountain. (Mt 21:21, Mk 11:23)

Jesus taught His disciples to use their faith and scolded them when they didn’t use it, saying “where is your faith?” (Lk 8:25)

To people who reach out and take their healing, Jesus told them “your faith has made you well” (Lk 8:48) (Lk 17:19) (Mk 10:52) and “The violent take it by force!” (Mt 11:12) (Mt 15:28)

To those wanting healing for someone else, Jesus said “ if you can believe, all things are possible.” (Mk 9:23)

To those who believed Him at His word He said, “your faith is great.”(Mt 8:10)