Tag Archives: Andrew Wommack

The Danger Of Silence

Curry Blake said “to be quiet is to agree;” and that is scriptural. When we are politely quiet in the presence of negative prophecies and declarations over ourselves or our families we have just agreed with them. Isaiah 54:17 tells us that it is our right to condemn any voice which pronounces bad things over our lives. It is our obligation to reject, condemn and cast down voices and imaginations that exalt themselves against God’s promises for us. It is not only our right and privilege to disagree with those, we must do so to cut the power of the soothsayer off! If a witch were casting spells on you, you must rise up and say “that won’t happen to me!”

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Every tongue that rises up against you in judgement you shalt condemn! This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of Me saith the Lord” Isaiah 54:17

Same protocol for friendly suggestions that you don’t look well, bad diagnoses by doctors or commercials you accidentally hear! Well-meaning mothers! Be on guard and be ready to speak wellness over yourself in agreement with God! “Be careful little ears what you hear!” Your ears are a direct pipeline to your heart where you believe! What you say, you hear. Say the vey best out of your mouth. We speak and thus write on the tablet of our heart.

“We believe therefore we speak” (2Cor 4:13) This is like loading and shooting a faith gun! Believe and speak!

That’s right! If you recorded not only everything that you say out of your own mouth plus what you hear all day word-for-word, you might realize what is happening to your body and your life!

You never hear of Jesus saying anything that He didn’t want to see come to pass. Jesus was silent when he was condemned for a reason. If He disagreed with Pilate or said anything contrary to what was pronounced over Him, He would not have been crucified.

Jesus even said positive things that could be misunderstood as lies! “She is not dead but only sleeping” “Lazarus sleeps and I’m going to wake him up” (Jesus explains in plain words that physically speaking Lazarus had died but He ends the sentence with the positive outcome intended. We must be certain of our words, intentional and focused. Would you like your words on a screen in Heaven all day? Well they are. Every word you speak is recorded. Matt 12:36 tells us we are eating the words we speak. What you say and hear is a forecast for your life. Choose your words and your silence wisely!