Tag Archives: attraction

Attention and Attraction

Focus is a very large part of faith. What we focus on gets larger. “Magnify the Lord” “Meditate on things that are lovely, of good report, worthy of praise, etc” (Philippians 4:8) Therefore focus is absolutely a part of healing.

What we meditate on attracts either angelic spirits and The Holy Spirit or else evil spirits; health or sickness, life or death, what we focus on matters. When we praise God, talk about the Bible or pray, angels draw nigh and heaven listens; the Spirit of God is present in a tangible way. If you watch creepy movies, do oija boards or seances, if you complain and argue, gossip and slander, think and talk sickness, you will attract demons and invite depression and death into your very being. So the opposite is true.

If you want life and peace, health and solutions, healing and wellness, focus on the Holy Spirit. Talk to the Holy Spirit, pursue Him, ask Him questions until You get answers. Read about Him, focus every waking moment and all night asking the Holy Spirit to tell you something new. He will fill you with His presence, peace, joy, solutions, understanding and healing is in there too!

A new thing the Spirit taught me is focusing on what I CAN do. Focus on what I currently can move will lead to more that I can move. The focus on what you don’t have is the way to get more of that.. lack! When you start acknowledging what you do have, thanking God that you can breathe, see, speak, move anything, you are on the track for improvement. Keep looking for more movement but whatever you’re looking for, start to notice what you do have not what you don’t have. God likes to reveal stuff to us but we must pursue Him. It’s just the way it is. Don’t arrogantly think God knows where to find you. He’s not holding back or playing cat and mouse. God isn’t playing “catch me if you can” but He does want us to knock and keep knocking, because it takes focus from us in order to hear Him.

Plenty of stuff to think about here. To start focusing on the Holy Spirit I recommend Encountering The Holy Spirit In Every Book Of The Bible by David Diga Hernandez.