Tag Archives: Hisability

Your Heart Is On Auto Voice Text

Whatever you say is being recorded and it isn’t Alexa. Your heart is taking dictation. It’s on auto voice text all the time. The Bible says we write on the tablet of our hearts by speaking and hearing

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:2

When you hear a song in your mind involuntarily, where is that coming from?? Your heart and body have an ability to work for or against you. Like a pet, we are supposed to train our hearts to be taking down what we want in there. However, as you probably know, it’s a rather involuntary thing. You hear a song and it’s stuck on repeat for hours! Trigger a fear you have of a painful memory and that can haunt you. So it is with health too. Allergies for instance are merely reactions of fear, so Dr Henry Wright says, and I agree with him because I’ve gotten rid of many things by resisting the habitual reaction I used to have. No more hay fever, no head aches, no colds, flus, bronchitis or IBS. You can stop having bodily reactions by habitually responding “no!” As soon as you feel anything coming just resist! It will stop. You need practice though. Try try again.

Program your heart and body to act the way it should by guarding it. Only allow putting beneficial things in. Be careful what you hear, see and meditate on.

It’s your own heart. You write on it by auto-dictation. Your mind and body retain so much. Now if you input health, laughter, blessings and scripture. Your life will change effortlessly.