Tag Archives: hyperreflexia

Faith Battle With Hyperreflexia

autonomic3/3/2014  At 1:00 A.M. I was suddenly hit with a severe pain in the back of my head, increased heart rate and anxiety that I can only describe as a common serious emergency in spinal cord patients called Autonomic Hyperreflexia  also called Dysreflexia. After my first couple years of injury way back in 1985, I have not had any problems with that threat. I’ve had experience with it at first, due to new bladder and bowel care experiences. In fact I have so few problems as a S.C.I. due to healing expectancy that I hardly can be categorized as a quadriplegic, yet the paralysis from my chest down and in my hands would suggest otherwise. I feel my bodily function urges, I don’t have any bladder infections any more, despite the catheterizations. My skin is in awesome condition, very little atrophy in my legs and arms. As I said,  I hardly qualify as a quadriplegic at all anymore, except for the last symptom, paralysis of the hands and from the chest down.

So like I said, this Dysrelexia had the nerve to sneak up on me for no reason at all. I was sleeping and if I could have sat up in bed, I would have. Pain in my head, anxiety, all the bells and whistles of a true SCI bodily alarm went off. My first reaction in faith was to resist it and tell pain to stop. As I have developed my faith in these emergencies, I didn’t believe anything was wrong but my pain level was a 10. I had my caregiver help me sit up and reposition and check out every source of possible cause in my body that I knew could be causing it and nothing was wrong. I changed my position in bed and tried to relax. Then I was hearing other possible causes in my thoughts such as a kidney stone. I rejected those thoughts. After telling pain to stop and resisting fear and resisting the urge to believe something was wrong, it subsided and then returned again for two hours. At 3 AM I finally had my caregiver help me situate myself to sit up in bed again and I said I would have to stay up and fight with it until it was gone; I knew my spiritual rights; I knew these symptoms had to leave.  I remembered Pastor Mike talking about how he had to get up and “deal with it,” regarding fighting a sinus infection, the day before.

I had been listening to a healing school at Charis Bible College on my Ipad as I do often all night. When I sat up and declared to prepare to fight until it leaves, I was ready to focus on the word, pray in tongues, sing and shout. At that moment Daniel at Charis Healing School started singing praises, then looked at the camera and said “and for you out there online, whatever you’re dealing with, whatever you’re believing for, it’s done!” I got all excited hearing him, my faith rose up and I kept singing the song. The pain left in less than 5 minutes. I remembered our friend Mark from church saying “when satan knows you really believe, he leaves.” Sitting up in bed and deciding to fight even if it took all night was my faith in action. I haven’t felt the pain return since then.

I have learned how to fight any new symptoms and resist to make them back down. I’ve learned to fight the good fight of faith. I learned that the more educated you become in the problem, the more faith for the problem you have – unbelief. Losing your belief in the problem is a key to gaining faith in the supernatural power God gave you. Don’t study up on the problem you have, study up on the power to raise Christ from the dead that you have dwelling in you. The more you “learn” about your problem, the longer it will take to leave or reverse, in faith. Whose report will you believe? I believe the report of the Lord.

Isaiah 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?