Tag Archives: injury

You Are Happy and Healed, You Just Don’t Know It

When we are children we think happiness comes from excitement; things to do, friends, games and just stuff in general. As adults, parties, good food, fame or money may be your goal. Health, a good career, pleasure and accomplishment may bring temporary satisfaction but Ecclesiastes was written by King David to inform you and me that the secret to happiness is not found in pleasure-seeking. When you are sick or a child of yours is sick, all you want is to be well. You don’t even know you are happy until what you love is gone.

“Someone should have told me I was happy! I didn’t know! Why didn’t anyone tell me I was happy?” ~Monk

The ability to feel happy comes from grateful thinking. When you focus on things you have that you appreciate, you become happy. Saying thank you Lord for the flowers, the trees, the birds and thank you for the things I can do or the body parts I can move, brings the happy endorphins and laughter you wish you had. Try it and become a habitual praiser. Praising God is healthy and brings healing.

Ungratefulness brings depression and inability to imagine good things. In Hell there is no gratitude, only the opposite. In heaven there is never-ending praise. If you feel like you’re in hell, thankfulness will get you out. If you are holding back on praising God because of something missing in your life, you’re creating a cycle of depression and no results in prayer. Get your praise on and turn it up a notch! Gratefulness is the key that unlocks the blessings you seek.

Movies are made and history tells us this is true. Depression is rampant even among the rich and famous. Suicide is very common among the successful but ungrateful.

Reel in your healing through thankfulness. It’s already yours; it’s on your fishing pole… so thank God that you’ve got it. A gratefulness wells up and boom! There it is! You can see what was already there.