Tag Archives: injury

Phantom Feelings

In the medical field, they explain the false feelings people get from the brain as phantom pain, phantom itching, however, it actually occurs all the time, every day, all day long. Where the medical field acknowledges this as a strange phenomenon of the brain, faith picks up the slack. Tony Meyers teaches his take on all sickness, disease, even injury, as phantom feelings. (Actually, this is my take on Tony’s revelation.) Tony doesn’t call it phantom anything but after learning directly from him what he says the brain is doing as a type of false signals, I’ve begun to prove to myself as correct. I have blogged this revelation already and called it The Brain Parrot. Now I’m explaining it again as phantom whatever. This point is so huge, so important for healing, you’ve got to keep trying to get it!

Again today: my Fitbit strap broke so I left it off and went about my day. Later as I was doing something I felt my wrist signal a vibration and I said to my caregiver, “my phone must have just gotten a text because I just felt it (looking at my arm which had long sleeves.) She grinned and began to snicker, and I looks at her quizzically. Then I realized, my Fitbit isn’t even on! This may seem like a strange phenomenon, however, it is quite normal for our body to give false information. Like a computer, it mimics feelings, pain, inflammation, allergies, fevers, disease and confusion. But it’s false. I’m even going to say the brain can paralyze your body (my body). It’s true because if you look up “sleep paralysis” it’s a perfect example. That’s a phenomenon that is common. It all boils down to believing your body vs believing the Bible. Jesus says we are healed.

Surely He took our pain and carried our sorrows (depression) Isaiah 53:4

I personally know people living out miracles daily, by not believing the things their body tells them. Your body changes more quickly as you learn how to believe the truth that you are not sick. Talk to your body in Jesus’ Name and tell it the truth. It will listen.