Tag Archives: Kingdom

Robbers and Thieves

John Chapter 10 talks about sheep, the Shepherd and robbers. We are the sheep, Jesus is the good Shepherd AND the gate but who are these robbers getting in another way other than the Gate?  How are they getting in? What are they getting into? And what can they do in there?  The sheep pen could be the spiritual realm which we do go into and out. It can’t be salvation itself; so it seems to me a good conclusion that those who are not God’s people can access spiritual laws and use them. I’ve heard tell (teaching) saying that people can use Kingdom laws without being true heirs, sons; in other words they’re not Christians. I believe this is true and applies to witches, magicians, wicca and other occult practices.The magicians in Egypt performed miracles.  And all who heal without knowing the Healer are witch doctors etc. You certainly can learn supernatural principles that work  without knowing God. By the same token you can be saved and not know any Kingdom principles. Ignorance is not bliss, it can destroy you. (Hosea 4:6)

It’s not Satan who has power, it’s us. If you think Satan can kill you or do anything beyond your mind, think again. Lies is all he ever had. The power is  ours and Satan knows it. If you were him you’d want to convince people that they are powerless and cause them to use their faith the way you want, thinking it is you (Satan) doing it. And that is what he does.  Being under the devil’s influence is just confusion, oppression and faint-heartedness.  The physical effects come from us. All illness is from our own toxic thinking whether influenced by Satan or not.

If healing is something we have available to all because Jesus came, died, rose and conquered death, then it’s for Christians to enforce on the earth to anyone who is sick. However, those who discover and use Kingdom laws which are hidden for the sons of God, those are the robbers and thieves who come into the spiritual realm not through the door! Jesus being the door.

Why is it important to note that some are robbers and thieves? Knowing this tells us 1, that there are Kingdom laws for us to use and 2, that if we don’t use them we are wastefully living helpless lives while some ungodly people are living like kings as we should. It answers the question of why some of the ungodly flourish while we live like paupers.  Understanding who we are and how to live blessed lives is not only our right and privilege, it’s downright wrong not to try to learn.  Seek and you shall find out by connecting to teachers who teach Kingdom principles.  Check out my YouTubes called Faith Talk, also watch Curry Blake, Andrew Wommack, Gary Kesee.