Tag Archives: levels

Levels Of Faith

When we started learning to apply our faith  to be healed, we went through different stages of faith. At first we still got colds and sore throats even though we began to believe in wellness by faith. Each victory we won in refusing sickness was like another level of faith achieved. I want people to know its normal to fail at first. Keep believing  and applying faith every day and you will prevail in Jesus’ Name!

For instance, if you don’t believe that God wants everyone well all the time, just as He desires that all come to salvation in Christ, then you haven’t even reached faith level 1. Until one believes and agrees that it is always His will to heal, then one cannot resist every sickness, disease or injury. Before faith can be activated, one must have hope in a promise of God. Until hope is there, the only way faith is going to work is by accident. Faith accidents are what happens when someone is healed and doesn’t know why. People often believe that God “sovereignly” chooses to heal us at random times because they don’t understand how faith flows and works by God’s Kingdom laws.

When we were first convinced of the fact that God wants everyone well, just like salvation, then we began to learn how to apply our authority in Christ, commanding and resisting sickness instead of agreeing with it and putting out the welcome mat. We used to say “oh no! I’m getting a cold!” when we sneezed; now we reject that thought and certainly never say out loud anything about getting sick. When symptoms come, we fight back with boldness and defy it instead of giving in. We learned through Charles Capps, Andrew Wommack, Curry Blake and others. Feeding ourselves the truth all day every day and we learned how to exercise our faith . Sore throats, flus and sniffles don’t stay long and hardly come anymore. We know what to believe, think and say.  And above all, we do not find a reason why we might be getting ill, like remembering who we were exposed to with a sickness. No, we condemn those thoughts and imaginations “exalting themselves against the knowledge of God” and His promises. We say out loud “no weapon (illness) formed against us will prosper! Every tongue rising against us in judgement we condemn! This is our heritage as servants of the Lord!” (Isaiah 54:17) And this does slice through the symptoms now. But at first, our faith did fail us due to old thinking (aka unbelief). We kept listening to teachings and testimonies and practicing our faith until we succeeded. God’s promises are true and worketh according to our faith. (Matt 9:22,29) (Mark 10:52) “God can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we imagine ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKETH IN US.”

Faith Level 0 is unbelief: feeling that God sovereignly heals some lucky people but not always and not everyone.

Faith level 1 is the transition time when you are not seeing it work every time but still growing your faith muscles. At least believing that God wants you well is the beginning; you are telling your body to be well and sickness to leave. Feed on testimonies every day and practice by fasting, resisting headaches and weakness by faith in God’s word. Mark Suszek’s Testimonies

Faith level 2 is seeing a lot of success with resisting new attacks while still believing that longer-term sicknesses and injuries should be gone even though no changes are apparent. Watch  Pastor Mike’s Testimonies     Watch  Wendy’s 1st Testimony    Wendy’s 2nd Testimony

Faith level 3 is seeing results in your own body and ministering to others with much success, believing that your faith can move mountains for others with no faith. Only those who oppose your faith can stop you from healing them. Passivity on the receiver’s end will allow your faith to flow. Watch Aggressive Faith     also Lynne’s Study On Faith

Faith Level 4  Raising the dead- “..one friend of ours has defied death several times.. many people have raised the dead”

With our faith we have changed the  weather multiple times easier than healing some colds; I have removed a mole completely in two weeks, reversed paralysis in my mother [short lived] ; a macular hole in my brother’s eye was improved to before surgery was necessary and his doctor canceled it; whatever your level, keep feeding and exercising your faith and you will believe and receive.

**You can address your doctrine questions by reading or listening to “God Wants You Well” by Andrew Wommack (AWMI.net) .  Watch More Testimonies