Tag Archives: Paralysis

Count It Dung

The  Bible says “count it all joy when you face various trials” because trials are new opportunities for victories. James 1:2 says  Consider it all joy, my brethren, whenever you encounter trials of any sort, Be assured  that the proving of your faith (through victories) will cause steadfastness.  In the natural, we would count trials as dung but in our life in Christ, trials are opportunities to use our faith for one victory after another. The more victories, the more testimonies, causing you to be sure in the knowledge that you are the righteousness of God, able to leap tall trials with a single word!

The opposite is also true. The spiritual man esteems the knowledge from God as treasures and jewels; the natural man has no spiritual understanding and esteems natural knowledge as superior to spiritual knowledge. The natural man esteems a doctorate in natural knowledge, (a doctor’s knowledge)  as superior to spiritual knowledge from God, (a minister’s knowledge for healing). The knowledge of the natural realm cannot help us in so many circumstances. We need supernatural knowledge to be healed of a spinal cord injury because natural knowledge won’t help. Therefore, Philippians 3:7-8 applies. I consider natural knowledge but dung in exchange for the knowledge from God, through Christ.

In fact, I not only consider the knowledge I was taught about spinal cord injuries as dung, I repent for believing it. As soon as I was injured in 1985, the information of natural knowledge began to exalt itself against the knowledge of God’s Word. God says we were healed, by His stripes. (1 Peter 2:24)  Isaiah 54:17 says “no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you in judgement, you shall condemn.”  The injury was formed against me as a weapon and would not have prospered if I had begun condemning it and speaking God’s Word saying: “I will not accept this weapon formed against me. No injury will prosper! Every diagnoses that rises against the knowledge that God gives us,  I condemn!” I should never have allowed myself to become informed of the natural knowledge of the injury. I should have and do now count that knowledge as dung. Psychologists teach us to “accept” our circumstances. DUNG! We are to resist evil and cling to that which is good. Every piece of information fed to me was dung. “Spinal cord injuries are permanent;” DUNG! “nerve damage does not heal within a lifetime;” DUNG! “you will be in a wheelchair the rest of your life;” DUNG! I knew God was going to heal me but I did not know enough to swiftly reject the information of natural knowledge and count it as dung. The power of a spinal cord injury to cripple me became greater than God’s Word in the understanding of my heart. God’s Word is enough to keep us well. Any other knowledge will challenge our ability to believe in abundant living. I repent of believing the natural knowledge I was fed. By counting the natural knowledge as loss in exchange for the knowledge I have learned in Christ (supernatural health and abundance), I gain the true righteousness of God and live the abundant life I am meant to have. (Philippians 3:8-9)

I’ve applied the truths of God’s Word more swiftly since I have gained understanding in Christ and now evil things do not gain a foothold in me. My life has been threatened multiple times by attacks on my health that could have killed me; but I have learned to resist and push back the darkness which tries to invade. It gets easier the more knowledge I have. Repenting of believing wrong knowledge is key to removing unbelief in the heart. Renouncing the wisdom of man and counting it as dung is my step back in time, reversing a mistake I made in ignorance which I believe kept me glued to a wheelchair. Every step I take on this healing journey breaks another chain holding me down. Praise God, I’m becoming freer every minute.