Tag Archives: Pavlov

Pavlov’s Dog And What’s True For You

The example of Pavlov’s Dog is a scientific example that our brains get trained to respond to things physically. A sound of a bell rung in association with food caused a dog to salivate when the bell rang. In the world of healing we can learn that the body responds to thoughts and will have a habit of responding a certain way due to this habit. Nothing physical may be affecting you but you can have symptoms that your brain was trained to have.

To break this cycle, we untrain ourselves in the lies of natural thinking by proving to yourself the truth. Testimonies of breaking natural laws are going to help. Single-mindedness will cause the truth to manifest. Once we believe the truth that we are spiritual and not limited to natural, carnal laws (Romans 8:2) we can undo the wrong beliefs and stop salivating when the bell rings.

Belief in nutrition causes it to work. It’s all faith-related. It’s true “for you” as they say! Believing nutrition doesn’t matter will also make that “true for you.” Allergies used to be true for me but that has changed. I no longer believe in allergies and that is not true for me any more – so healing is like that! Today I’m paralyzed because it’s “true for me.” However my beliefs are changing. I feel tingling daily in my legs and when I feel things I know things are changing. Like a caterpillar breaking out of a cocoon or a chick coming out of an egg, I’m pecking away at the casing surrounding my heart which keeps the paralysis true for me. It’s popping, snapping and breaking loose as I keep meditating on the true truth. God’s truth is that we are already well, so any other circumstance is actually not truth. If this makes sense to you, you are well on your way to believing and seeing change. If it doesn’t make sense, try reading Tony Myers Do-It-Yourself-Healing book: