Tag Archives: prison

Are You “Hyper Grace?”

We were asked this question recently at a church where Mark was invited to speak on the subject of removing the veil. I responded: “I dunno, are you hyper-law? Are you hyper-legalistic?” Most people don’t know what they are, really. I’ve heard of hyper grace and frankly, my dear, it’s a term that is fictional. It’s a term made up by those who fear grace. What they fear is, when we talk about not being under the law of Moses anymore, what’s left must be uncontrollable sin. This fear of grace is exactly what also angered those who crucified Jesus and martyred the apostles. Romans 10:4 says Christ was the END of the law. Yes it does. It says that along with fifty other verses that describe the law as a schoolmaster and the ministration of death, no longer needed, dis-annulled, voided, obliterated! (Gal 3:17, 25, ) Is this scary? So why does this cause people to throw tomatoes, shout, scream, claw and hate?
The law is a security blanket and grace rips it off. The answer to the fear of chaos and anarchy is, we in Christ have exchanged the law for the spirit. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us into all righteousness because we are now gifted, grafted, adopted into righteousness, perfection, royalty in Christ. Next big question, what about sin? Answer: we have victory over sin so act like it! Grace is the only way to have victory over sin, not the law. The law magnifies sin, rules cause more sinfulness.
” For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under Law but under Grace. ” Romans 6:14
Restrictions make sin more sinful! So how do we, the righteous in spirit, stop sinning in our souls with addictions, adultery, pornography, alcohol, drugs, unwed pregnancies etc? Start by focusing on the true gospel of righteousness in Christ. Focus on Jesus, not sin. The process of renewing our minds and our actions is all about the heart. First wash the inside, then the outside will be clean. Matt 23:26
I wrote a book that describes the damage I experienced under legalistic doctrine and a harmful hyper-sovereignty doctrine, causing passivity. It’s called First Wash the Inside.
The first half of my book is about the true story; the second half is about how to truly be free from sin. The great thing about it is, it teaches how legalism causes more sin, not less; and then it gives step-by-step instructions on spiritual heart surgery, repentance, freedom. This is the opposite of what the grace-haters think of the “hyper-grace” people. How can grace cause people to repent you ask? I know it sounds crazy to the natural mind but it’s true. Read my book and find out what you really need to repent from, not just your sin-symptoms. Repent from the root sins in your heart, not just your actions. This removes even the desire to sin! Learning these principles provides freedom from addictions, homosexuality, eating disorders, pornography addiction and all harmful addictive behaviors.
Order Lynne’s Book Today! “First Wash The Inside”
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