Tag Archives: quadriplegic

There’s Always A Way Out

The verse in 1 Corinthians 10:13 is one that I believe has more depth than first meets the eye. Look it up and then follow along as I explain more depth than you may have ever heard given to this passage.

I dissected the verse with my revelation. Replace the word temptation with trap to expand the possibilities of meaning. We can feel trapped by people, circumstances, sickness, injury and finances. God always has a way of escape. But we must believe there is a way out in order to find it. Healing is possible when you first believe it is available. The quote below is 1Corinthians 10:13

There hath no temptation {trap} taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer {allow} you to be tempted {trapped} above {except} that ye are able to escape it; but will with the temptation {trap} also {show} a way out , that ye may be able to bear {escape} it.

Often this verse is interpreted as a way out of sin but if we focus on the word “escape” we can find that whenever we feel trapped by any evil, God has a way out. I believe we always have a way out of trouble if we first believe that God has provided it, then look for it.

Think of it this way;

No trap has been able to be set for you without a way out. God is faithful with innumerable ways of escaping evil so no matter what traps evil people set for you, there is a way out if you believe and look for it.

I believe this applies to trouble with anything that victimizes us and with all sickness or injury which needs healing. No trouble cometh nigh our dwelling except that we can escape it or be healed. Look for the way out knowing there is one.