Tag Archives: rapping

Rappin Confessions

rappinRapping is an art that could be very useful. If one awesome rapper wrote healing confessions, I’d buy them. I need an album of confessions on healing, prosperity, all of God’s promises. The rappers have a talent alright. I just think they are wasting it on useless words and words of death. Anyone with this talent, please put it to use for God’s Kingdom. You’ll be so blessed! Just think of someone putting whole books of the Bible in rap style. We could memorize so much scripture!

I am seriously inspired to write my healing verses like a rap. We need to use our power of the tongue daily, hourly. jingle-bells-confessionsScripture has power and our words have power to heal and speak life. (Prov 18:21) We need songs and raps to speak life and health over ourselves and our families. Let’s see, how would this go?

Scripture says our words have pow’r  so we should speak life eve’ry hour; the voice and tongue can launch our faith, so  I’m rapping in prayer to make use of God’s grace! Prayer is just truth spoken out loud; we need Bible rappers in ev’ry crowd; by prophecy and declaration, we heal the sick with Bible quotation; Jesus said to raise the dead, say “little girl get out of bed!” Surely he hath borne our griefs, he took our sadness and gave us peace; they called him stricken and smitten of God; he was beaten for sins and for healing our bod. He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, our punishment  was put upon him; and by his wounds we are now the healed. Speak to the body, move that limb, get out of your chair by trusting in Him! Say affliction be gone! You’re not mine; Jesus paid for every crime! Devil get lost! Get out of here! Depression can’t stay! I’m casting out fear! God’s joy is my strength; so I’m laughing out loud; My voice is my weapon cuz my tongue has pow’r!

Charles Capps would have agreed with me. cappsHe’s passed on now. Not by sickness, just passed on when he was ready to go. Said goodbye to is family and knew he was “going home.” He lived a life of health and prosperity and taught confession of God’s word as long as he lived. I learned the power of faith through confession from him more than anyone. His book of confessions would be so good as a rap!

“Jesus bore my sins in His Body on the tree; therefore I am dead to sin and alive unto God and by His stripes I am healed and made whole.Jesus bore my sickness and carried my pain. Therefore I give no place to sickness or pain.For God sent His Word and healed me.Father, because of Your Word I am an overcomer. I overcome the world, the flesh and the devil, by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony.You have given me abundant life. I receive that life through Your Word and it flows to every organ of my body bringing healing and health.Heavenly Father, I attend to Your Word. I incline my ears to Your sayings. I will not let them depart from my eyes. I keep them in the midst of my heart, for they are life and healing to all my flesh.As God was with Moses, so is He with me. My eyes are not dim; neither are my natural forces abated. Blessed are my eyes for they see and my ears, for they hear.No evil will befall me, neither shall any plague come near my dwelling. For You have given
your angels charge over me. They keep me in all of my ways. In my pathway is life, healing and health.Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. Therefore I refuse to allow sickness to dominate my body. The Life of God flows within me bringing healing to every fiber of my being.I am redeemed from the curse. Galatians 3:13 is flowing in my blood stream. It flows to every cell of my body, restoring life and health.The life of First Peter 2:24 is a reality in my flesh, restoring every cell of my body. I present my body to God for it is the temple of the LIVING GOD. God dwells in me and HIS LIFE
permeates my SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY so that I am filled with the fullness of God daily.” Amen
Learn about the power of faith with confession in God’s Creative Power for Healing