Tag Archives: ruby slippers

My Red Pill Moment For Healing Paralysis

I have a faith theory that I believe is 100% true.  My “red-pill moment”   happened when I spoke with Tony Myers and heard that he was un-paralyzed and re-paralyzed about three or four times. My theory was confirmed; I then had more reason to believe that even paralysis is always reversible.  I believe it to be brought on initially by trauma of injury or the power of suggestion. Paralysis in my opinion, is a state of mind, a knee-jerk reaction of the brain. It works like hypnosis. An injury can cause a shock and a physical change but healing should always follow. The start of the numbness can also happen from meditation on or a fear of or an expectation of becoming paralyzed. “Sleep paralysis” is a phenomenon that is common which, I believe, is no different than any other paralysis. Un-paralyzing yourself happens by focusing on the fact that it can change instantly and is not real or permanent. Doctors only know what they observe or what conclusions have been made about observations. When I was first paralyzed by an accident in 1985, doctors said they would know whether it was a permanent situation based on the three days following the accident. What?? They watched for signs of “return” and if no signs of return happen as the spinal cord swelling diminishes, in three days, they declare, in their book-learning experience, that it is permanent. That’s a seed planted in my subconscious, an expectation planted by doctors that I will not walk again. An expectation of non-recovery is the belief I have to undo, a belief that can change. The only paralysis that is permanent is a believed one. The only sickness that cannot be healed is a believed one.

We call them miracles, when people regain ability after being told that they will never walk again; and so they are because science is surprised. However, the more we understand the body and the brain, and the Blood of Jesus, the more it makes sense that everything wrong with the body can reverse, if we can believe.  I met a man who was un-paralyzed from spinal cord injury paralysis without mentioning faith of any kind; he just believed it could change. He stood there and explained that he used to be paralyzed like me and we could see signs of muscular awkwardness. He lived 3.5 hours away from us where we were visiting. I was so shocked by his testimony I didn’t ask him his name or any memorable information. Another friend of mine recovered from a SCI within a couple years after an accident like mine. As a Christian believer, there was more belief and action on her part than waiting for the miracle to happen, like I had been doing when I was 19. She fully recovered. My mother became paralyzed from the waist down by a tumor on her spine but as I planted the seed of recovery in her and we prayed often, plus my daughter Elisa encouraged her as a caregiver, mom did regain a lot of movement back. She could stand for several minutes. Eventually she seemed to give up and become satisfied with her partial miracle. Tony Myers had Lou Gerhig’s disease beyond the point of death, living on no food for 6 months because his stomach was paralyzed too. His instant miracle on July 4 2012 is recorded in his books; and his explanation is what I am explaining here. If you can suddenly change your belief, you will be suddenly healed. In fact, as I said above, Tony was re-paralyzed and un-paralyzed three more times after initial healing. His fight not to believe it anymore lasted only a few minutes each time. After he was fully convinced of not accepting it anymore, his brain stopped remembering how to paralyze the body. This struggle can be yours too once you get busy focusing on not believing your sickness is true. The struggle is real and can go back and forth with any sickness. Your belief in it is where the struggle is. Don’t just give up when you don’t see change, tell your body the truth and convince yourself.

I have been through the back and forth struggle with allergies, the flu and other things we no longer believe in.

Jesus did not necessarily zap people with power. He only helped them to trigger their own faith to get up and walk. If you knew the truth was that nobody is actually sick, they just think they are, then you would say things like, “do you believe that I  can do this?” and “it was your own faith that made you well” after they got well. When people say they have no power, only God has power, they think they are being humble but they are being anti-Christ-like because Jesus told people all things are possible to him who believes. It is self-defeating and unscriptural to deny the power of one’s own faith. Just like the Ruby Slippers, you have always had the power to get well. Dorothy only needed to be told by Glinda, she didn’t need her to do anything. When Glinda the good witch told Dorothy how to go back home, it was an action to trigger her own ability. She told her to close her eyes and think of home by repeating a phrase. Jesus told a man to go wash his eyes in a pool; He told others to do something else. Each thing helped them put action to their faith.

You already are well. You’re not actually sick. You can see change today. That’s the Good News. Only believe. All things are possible to him who believes. Jesus offers us the red pill  Blood of Jesus. The truth is you are healed. He already healed you. Like Neo, you can be supernatural by practicing your faith, your belief that you are what Jesus said.