Tag Archives: Weapons

Churches Should Teach Us To Fight

If I took a poll asking how many think that teaching a child to fight when he is young would make him a better Christian, what do you think the majority of church-going Christian opinion would be? Are pastors likely to endorse fighting as a class in church? What if a youth pastor organized boxing classes to attract children, including girls? And what if I said the Christian church as a whole has done a disservice to its people by not even discussing the need to fight? If these opinions sound odd, you haven’t read the Bible enough. Biblical study shows that successful Christians fight. We are called to fight spiritually as the weapons of our warfare are spiritual and yet we actually have no fight in us because we have never learned to do so physically. How are we supposed to be fighters when the church teaches us from our youth to be passive, gentle, calm, quiet and somber? Sit quietly and still in a pew for 20 years and then learn to be a fighter when cancer comes along. When you resist an attack from evil spirits or flesh or criminals, you must be a fighter. The most powerful healers who see results are those who have fought physically at some point in their lives. Fighting is mentioned more often than giving and yet when have you ever done a Bible Study on fighting?
Finally, what would you say to finding out that fighting is necessary for a healing miracle too? Our mental health depends on battles in the mind. Taking our thoughts captive is a battle. A lack of fighting allows any lie to just plant itself unopposed into your head. A passive Christian is a defeated Christian.
I believe the church should be an actual army. All should practice the art of fighting in one form or another. Results in healing would happen much more often.