
The Value of Joy

What’s The Deal With Joy?

Why does the Bible tell us that joy is our strength? (Neh 8:10) Why are there 187 references to “joy” in the KJV and 240 references to “rejoice”? There are 7 references to “Be of good cheer.” Joy is a nice thing to have; it feels good. We all want it. God even requires us to use joy; it’s not just a suggestion. Joy is provided to us in our reborn spirit and it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. The angels and Jesus always tell us to stay in joy and also warn us not to fear. Laughter is also important! It’s good medicine, so says Proverbs 15:13. So, what’s the deal with joy? Why is it so valuable?
I started understanding the value of joy when I realized that Satan likes to steal it. I noticed a regular pattern in my life. Excitement was almost always followed by a counter attack of disappointment. I somehow lost my ability to be joyful due to an unconscious decision in my heart. “Subconsciously” (if you like that word) my heart was convinced through experience, not to get excited about anything because disappointment was bound to follow right behind. This decision slowly deflated my personality. I was eventually unable to laugh much. Sarcasm seemed to replace my sense of humor. I was happy but not rejoicing. I was not depressed, yet not full of joy either. In fact, joy was annoying to me. I was smiling but not chuckling.

Changing My Game Plan
While pondering the value of laughter and joy mentioned so many times in the Bible, I began attempting to find ways to laugh. I bought joke books and watched funny shows, avoiding sad stories; why go there?!   I could make others laugh but my own new “normal” became worrying and stressing over work. I knew this was unhealthy and must change but I really figured out how important joy was when, as soon as I started to be excited about anything, BOOM! There went something to drag me down. And it didn’t have to be a big deal! When I started to gain victories by faith, something stupid would try to drag me under.

One day, after a successful grad party for my youngest daughter, I found that one whole tray of expensive stuffed cabbages were left to mold in my oven for a week. This was nothing more than a direct hit on my joy. Anything Satan can do to get my mood lowered is his ploy. However, once I caught on to the main target – my joy-  I changed my strategy!

I heard God in my spirit asking me, “If your life depended on you being in joy, what would you do to keep it?” I made a decision, based on the value of joy, that I would fight the temptations to sink my joy at all times. I guarded myself from dwelling on and talking about unsolved problems. I avoided repeating any bad experiences – “venting.” Why relive them? It’s like saying, “guess what Satan did to me today?” I now choose not to repeat the story.

Staying Excited!
There are many ways to feel good; some like crying, some like venting, ranting, gossiping, shopping. I notice some people enjoy fear, as in horror movies, books etc. Fantasy is an escape but the kind of fantasy you choose is important. There is Biblical advice given on the subject of health and peace and here it is: Be in Joy, laughter, singing praises, rejoicing, quiet time in the wilderness or other favorite God spots. I noticed that when I’m doing things led by my spirit in Christ, that I am excited inside. Bible studies, spiritual conversations, watching healing testimonies, writing my blogs, designing my Tshirts, are all exciting in my spirit. I feel peaceful and want to stay in that place. So I do!  Now, if something distresses me, I either ask God to take care of it and let it go or I step out in faith to fix it if I know how. This is not ignoring my life problems, it’s a new way to deal with them! The more I follow my excited spirit, the less the world sucks me in and the more things get solved! I stopped re-telling drama stories and started telling others my latest source of excitement! This strategy is allowing me to float right through life’s problems. As we just experienced a loss of water in our house for 3 days, the solutions were flowing and I felt very unaffected. Money seems a smaller matter, things are ironing themselves out as I stay in joy and peace. I like it here. I think I’ll stay!