
Un-Believing In Allergies

I used to have allergies, specifically hay fever. It came to me faithfully every spring and fall. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and throat. It got worse every year, starting earlier and lasting longer. I put up with it, identified with it and owned it. One year, after my father passed away from cancer, I asked the Lord what I might be believing wrong. EXCELLENT QUESTION. Asking God if you are believing wrongly about anything is the first step in allowing Him to change your life. I asked, He answered. Then I happened upon a book by Derek Prince that I had never read before. I like Derek Prince’s teachings so, I was surprised to find anything of his that I hadn’t read. I bought the book, “Atonement,” and there I read about the Atonement made for us by Jesus that I never knew in all my 30ish years in Christ. Plain as day, dear Derek explained about the logical sense of how Jesus took all our sins and, of course, all their consequences! All the curses listed in Deuteronomy no longer belong to us who … believe. While this news resonated into my soul, I started believing that all sickness was demonic, including allergies. They were the first on my hit list. As I began to get itchy eyes, throat and tongue one morning, instead of accepting that it was time for me to have my fall allergies, (in August yet!), I chose to rebuke the symptoms. I spoke “I rebuke you Satan!” referring to the symptoms of itching. And… it stopped! Heyyyy! It left! I told my husband, “I think I’m on to something!” Soon the symptoms returned, like within an hour. I rebuked again! Like ping pong, the symptoms slowed down. I did it 20 times that day. And each time, the symptoms left. My nose tried to run, the itching throat and eyes started, but I decided to keep resisting instead of taking Benadryl. I battled with it for a few weeks on and off, then I had won the war. Later that year I was attacked by symptoms here and there but I knew what to do. I applied my faith every time and the symptoms had to yield to my faith. I decided, all sickness is a lie. Things can kill you, if…you believe they can. But if you stop believing in sickness, it has no power over your body.
One more time, a few years later, I was watching a Christian program. My guard was down because I was in receive mode. I was watching a Christian program, expecting to hear Christian things. A commercial came on announcing “allergy season has arrived” and I was angry to hear this on Christian programming but I never spoke out loud against it. I didn’t condemn it as I should have. The Bible says, no weapon formed against us prospers and every tongue that rises against us in judgment, we shall condemn. This is our heritage, and our righteousness is from Him. (Isa 54:17) That night as I slept, I began to get symptoms. I rebuked and sneezed all night. The suggestion of allergy season had gotten past the guard of my heart because I didn’t condemn it. So I battled again. Within 24 hours I had won. A short allergy season came upon me but I won. I never let my guard down again.

Formula: start believing the truth AND stop believing the lie. If you start believing a truth but continue to believe a lie too, you are double-minded and cannot receive. James 1:8 says a double-minded person has short-circuited faith and cannot receive. You must not only believe the truth but you also must lose faith in your problem, your sickness, your disease or infirmity. There is no such things as allergies…to him who believes there isn’t.

For information on how to apply your faith, read examples in my blog testimonies like Mountains And Molehills and my Youtube videos like I’m Still Here  ; Aggressive Faith! ;  I was Always Sick ; Mark’s Healings