About Lynne

I’m a Christian author and blogger. My book “First Wash The Inside” is on the internet, available as paperback and an ebook. I am a mother of 5 grown children, 2 step children and now have 5 little grandchildren (whew!) But wait there’s more! I had an accident in 1985, three days after my first wedding leaving me as a C-6 quadriplegic spinal cord injury. We were married 10 years, birthed 5 children during that time and I raised my children for 10 more years after we divorced. Still in a wheelchair, I found employment in a credit union call center 7 years. Then opened my own home care agency and somehow..God only knows how..remarried a wonderful Godly man. (It’s in my book) My focus now, however, is not on how to live with a handicap victoriously, although I could write about that; it’s on raising awareness of our Benefits In Christ. Healing! Don’t be offended by the Gospel, or by the idea that God wants us well. I am on a mission to raise awareness because I was duped! Healing is ours and the sooner you learn that the easier your healing can be!

12 thoughts on “About Lynne”

  1. Hi Lynne,

    I am so enjoying your website since Tony Myers posted about you on FB. I thought you might enjoy reading Emily Dotson’s testimony if you haven’t yet. She is in her upper 80’s now. I have spoken with her on the phone several times. She was given 24 hours to live in her 40’s from lupus. She walked out of that and then fell and was paralyzed. She again confessed and talked to her body until she was up and walking several months later.

    Blessings of health and victory to you!

  2. Nothing in life is coincidental. I was thinking on whose report are we going to believe and came across your info.
    We cannot have two computer processors on one computer neither can we process two diabolical thoughts. One is going to win. Which thought are we going keep alive whose report are we going to believe. Than you, for sharing. BLESSING to you.

  3. I am so happy to find you! What a breath of fresh air to find someone who is not trying to “live with a handicap victoriously” and is believing God for more. I love Andrew Wommack and am walking out my own healing. Jesus has already paid for it. Much Grace to you, sister! I look forward to poking around here more.

  4. Lynne, I was directed to your blog because of your posting on Curry Blake which triggered a daily Google alert I had set.

    As I read your story I was compelled to respond as I cannot bear to see anyone in captivity when Jesus came to set them free.

    Please hover your one hand over his message until you start to feel something. Place your other hand on the parts of your body one by one that need healing until you start feeling something. I am hovering my hand over it as well and infusing it with the sweet fragrance and power of the Holy Spirit which knows no time, barriers or distance and emanates out of us as believers and quickens, makes alive our mortal bodies (Rom 8:11).

    Father, I thank you for your love for Lynne and I thank you right now for proving your love to her by healing her and setting her free. Flow your Holy Spirit through us both in Jesus name into Lynne’s body to heal it and make it whole. Jesus you paid full price by your sacrifice and you deserve and are entitled to Lynne’s full and complete healing and restoration which you purchased by your stripes and bought with your broken body which was broken for her.

    I command the spirit of disability, captivity and infirmity to leave Lynne’s body NOW! Body, I speak to you and I command life and feeling to return to all cells in Jesus name right now. I command you to work. You function normally. You line up with the word of God. So be it. Life in Jesus name!

    Keep hovering your hands and let the Holy Spirit flow and perform His operation. Don’t stop until you feel something tingling or warming or heat. Apply it to every part of your body that needs to come back to life. Start with one part and persist until you feel something. As soon as you feel something then check it out. Do what you could not do before. Move it and keep moving it until it obeys. Keep reapplying as needed. If you can move it an inch, you can move it all the way.

    Lynne, Jesus sets you free from captivity. Praise His name.

  5. Lynne – it is so great to find you! I can’t wait to dig in to your Bible studies and learn more about your life. I’ll check out your book on the Internet. I am so thankful for people like you that aren’t afraid to speak out. It gives me courage to get through one day at a time. I’ll be in touch.

    1. Terri, So glad to connect! I hope you will find huge revelation for healing here!Any questions and feedback as you go are greatly welcomed. I recommend two other books for you, “God Wants You Well” by Andrew Wommack and “Miracles Made Easy” by Carlie Terradez. Please check out all the free testimonies and teaching about healing at AWMI.NET. You are only 2 years paralyzed. Healing can move quickly once you understand the principles of faith God provided. Keep in touch!


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Raising Awareness of What We Have In Christ